ITMO University together with National Center for Cognitive Research (Center of National Technological Initiative), Research Center “Strong Artificial Intelligence in Industry”, Innopolis, Research Center of AI (HSE University) announce the 2022 International Young Scientists Conference and Intensive Training School for young researchers and professionals in computational science.

Simulation and systems thinking is one way to explain the complex world in which we live. By collecting big data and building computer models, scientists can make predictions or even preventions in critical situations. The Conference aims to strengthen the ties between young scientists in different countries, thus promoting future collaboration in the framework of Computational Science and major application aspects of artificial intelligence, big data, high-performance computing, computer modeling, and simulation to tackle a wide range of issues in science, industry, and business.

Мероприятие проводится в рамках реализации гранта Росмолодежи, проекта Образовательный интенсив "Цифровое поколение" ("Digital Generation") #Росмолодежь, #РосмолодежьГранты